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Week 4

1/25/2021: Priority Queues

1/27/2021: Amortized Runtimes (no transcript available)

1/29/2021: Graphs (no transcript available)

Week 5

2/1/2021: BFS/DFS (no transcript available)

2/3/2021: Cyclic Test/Topological Sort (no transcript available)

2/5/2021: Minimum Spanning Trees (no transcript available)

Week 6

2/8/2021: Proving Kruskal’s and Prim’s (no transcript available)

2/10/2021: Midterm

2/12/2021: Proving Cut Property, SSSP (no transcript available)

Week 7

2/17/2021: Dijkstra’s Algorithm (no transcript available)

2/19/2021: Greedy Algorithms (no transcript available)

Week 8

2/22/2021: Minimal Lateness/Huffman Coding (no transcript available)

2/24/2021: Dynamic Programming (no transcript available)

2/26/2021: Edit Distance (no transcript available)

Week 9

3/1/2021: Bellman-Ford Algorithm (no transcript available)

3/3/2021: Network Flow (no transcript available)

3/5/2021: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (no transcript available)

Week 10

3/8/2021: Applications of FF: Bipartite Matching

3/10/2021: Image Segmentation

Indices and tables