.. cse102-notes documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 4 09:27:32 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to cse102-notes's documentation! ======================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :caption: Contents: intro algorithms recurrence divide structures graphs greedy dynamic flow beyond Transcripts ----------- Click to download. Week 1 ^^^^^^ :download:`1/4/2021: Introduction <_static/lec1.txt>` :download:`1/6/2021: Algorithms/RAM Model <_static/lec2.txt>` :download:`1/8/2021: Asymptotic Notation <_static/lec3.txt>` Week 2 ^^^^^^ :download:`1/11/2021: Examples and Recurrence <_static/lec4.txt>` :download:`1/13/2021: Induction and Master Theorem <_static/lec5.txt>` :download:`1/15/2021: Divide/Conquer and Mergesort <_static/lec6.txt>` Week 3 ^^^^^^ :download:`1/20/2021: D/C Integer Multiplication <_static/lec7.txt>` :download:`1/22/2021: D/C Closest Points <_static/lec8.txt>` Week 4 ^^^^^^ :download:`1/25/2021: Priority Queues <_static/lec9.txt>` 1/27/2021: Amortized Runtimes (no transcript available) 1/29/2021: Graphs (no transcript available) Week 5 ^^^^^^ 2/1/2021: BFS/DFS (no transcript available) 2/3/2021: Cyclic Test/Topological Sort (no transcript available) 2/5/2021: Minimum Spanning Trees (no transcript available) Week 6 ^^^^^^ 2/8/2021: Proving Kruskal's and Prim's (no transcript available) 2/10/2021: Midterm 2/12/2021: Proving Cut Property, SSSP (no transcript available) Week 7 ^^^^^^ 2/17/2021: Dijkstra's Algorithm (no transcript available) 2/19/2021: Greedy Algorithms (no transcript available) Week 8 ^^^^^^ 2/22/2021: Minimal Lateness/Huffman Coding (no transcript available) 2/24/2021: Dynamic Programming (no transcript available) 2/26/2021: Edit Distance (no transcript available) Week 9 ^^^^^^ 3/1/2021: Bellman-Ford Algorithm (no transcript available) 3/3/2021: Network Flow (no transcript available) 3/5/2021: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (no transcript available) Week 10 ^^^^^^^ 3/8/2021: Applications of FF: Bipartite Matching 3/10/2021: Image Segmentation Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`