Beyond 102

Interactable Problems and Optimal Runtimes

How to tell whether an algorithm is as fast as possible?

We need a lower bound on how many steps any algorithm needs to solve the problem - the subject of complexity theory. There are problems for which you can prove that no poly-time algorithm exists; however, there are many open problems in complexity theory, e.g. P v. NP

Ex: Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT): given a Boolean formula built up from Boolean variables with AND, OR, and NOT, is it possible for the formula to evaluate to true?

  • (x OR y) AND (NOT x) is satisfiable (x=false, y=true)

  • x AND (NOT x) is not

This problem has lots of practical applicattions, e.g. software verification and other formal methods problems. But there’s no known poly-time algorithm! In fact, \(SAT \in NP\) since checking if a given assignment satisfies the formula is easy. Can prove that if \(SAT \in P\), then \(P=NP\).


In 103, we only examine P/NP; a current area of research is fine-grained complexity, which looks at differences between \(n^2\) and \(n^3\) time. For example, there is some evidence that edit distance can’t be computed in less than \(n^{2-\epsilon}\) time.